Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Do you own a business or does your business own you?

Many people think that because you are a business owner that you have it made. They have the highest pay scale. they can come and go as they please. they have the final say so. But, a lot of times that is not always the case nor is it the view of the business owners. The business owners usually put in the most hours of everybody, their pay scale is good but not great, and they are not really getting a head in the business due to the major loan they took out just to get the business. Many years is spent just trying to pay that loan off. Plus, they are constantly training new staff, or sometimes baby sitting as they say. Maybe you are not a business owner but you have a ...j...j...job. Not to fond of that word. You are working for someone else,probably this is not a job that you are passionate about but you got to make a living somehow. So ask yourself. Is this it? Is this what I signed up for? Is this my lot in life? Is this how my life plays out. Working 40 years over 40 hours a week, then hoping to retire on 40% of my income. Well that is you and about 90% of America. Ladies and Gentlemen it does not have to be that way. There is a way that you can pursue your dreams and your God given passions! I have found that with Team National! And if you are business minded at all then you can rest assure that one of the greatest author/speakers of our time on leadership in ministry and in business gives is full endorsement of Team National. I have only been a part of the company for over a year and it is changing my wife and I's financial future. I have been in the ministry for over 18 years and we all know lol that ministers generally do not have the best pay scale unless you are a pastor of a mega church or those great book deals. Anyways I invite you to connect with me and I will be happy to show you a 23 minute video that explains the whole concept of the awesome company called Team National! In the mean time check out this testimony of Bob and Mary Dubois.

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