I have been ministering to teen-agers now for 18 years. Through those years we have seen thousands of teen-agers turn their life over to God leaving their sins and struggles nailed to the cross and beginning their new and adventurous journey with Christ. But, before they came to that place many had to unleash a lot of hurt and heart ache. Parents divorced,abuse physically and emotional,drug or alcohol addiction,rape,pre-marital sex,cutting, binging, you name it we have probably heard it. As I heard their stories I wept with many of them,not giving them advise but just being a listening ear,and outlet for them to unload all that hurt they have bottled inside. Once they come to the understanding of God's love for them...his demonstration of that by being nailed to a cross as a substitute for us and our sins,they begin to surrender to him not because it is their duty to but it is their delight. When you know someone loves you that much, things change in your lif. Does that mean you stop sinning? No, we fail all the time. But, each day is a daily desire to be more like Him who knew no sin. To truly love the Lord with all your hear,mind,and soul, and to truly love your neighbor as yourself. Why do I share all of this. Tonight we are about to be literally surrounded by 10,000 teen-agers, many of which have gone through or are going through the things I listed above. Please pray that the Lord would reveal His love and peace to them so that they will not have to live in a world of Make Believe, but into a relationship of abundant LIFE! Below is a video I shot awhile back and if this does not break your heart for teen-agers nothing will.
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