Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tackling the "What If's?"

What if you had a death in your family? What if you lost your job? What if you suffered a career ending injury? What if something happened to you? How would your family be provided for? Those are things we never want to think about. But it is a reality of life. The question is how do we prepare for those days,because it is not a matter of if it is going to come but when it is going to come. What is your plan B if you lost your job? Do you have enough in savings to get by until you try to find another job when unemployment right now is more than 9%? Will you just buy your time and draw unemployment until opportunity arises? What if you were injured or even worse died? How will your family be taken care of? Lastly,what if you are reaching your retirement years and all of a sudden your job was terminated, or your retirement is not enough to sustain your family and you wind up having to take another job to provide. Seriously do you think the elderly prefer to work at Wal-Mart in their retirement years? They do not have a choice.  Wow! Those are all gloomy scenarios but they are real ones and ones we need to plan for. Ladies and Gentleman I write about this because I have your plan B that can one day be your plan A!! Passive Residual income that will continue to provide for you and your family if something were to happen to you due to loss of job,injury or death. Plan B will accomplish two things in your life. It will save you thousands and thousands of dollars through the years in savings for your family, and make you hundreds of thousands if not millions in your life time. Yes! I am being for real! If you have a better plan B you tell me what that is and I will look into it. But, I can honestly say that that plan B is working for me and my family! I am and have been in the ministry since my Freshman year of college and pay check to paycheck, incurred by debt is the way my wife and I have always had to live. Soon our plan B of drawing income will be swapped, as we are seeing by the comma checks coming to our mail box. Team National will soon be our plan A! Don't be so prideful telling yourself, "It will never happen to me." or "I have it all under control." i am telling you friends if that is you. you are living in a fantasy land called pride. Call me or send me a message and I can get you more information on your new plan for your family.
Paul May

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