Friday, August 19, 2011


This was our Summer intro video of my team! We had a great Summer doing camps in VA.,MO.,OH.,TX.,PA.,KY., and Wales! Seen hundreds come To Christ and tons of life change decisions! We got to play in NY and sight see in England! I am a very blessed man. I got to do more in a Summer than most people do in a lifetime! It was EPIC!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So last night after our huge sweeping victory over our opponents in softball, I walked to the parking lot to find that my car had been broken into. Some punk broke out the side passenger window and stole my duct tape wallet! That's right DUCT TAPE!! I had that wallet for almost two years! Go to Welcome to Ducktown on facebook and my friend Krysta can make you one! Anyways that is beside the point. Needless to say we had to call the credit card companies to put a freeze on our cards. Today, I got the car window replaced and a new drivers license. $175 dollars later I reflect on what would possess someone to vandalize someones property and take something that clearly does not belong to them. I wondered what he thought was in that fancy duct tape wallet. I mean really man was $175 worth of damage worth 18 bucks? He probably didn't notice the two car seats sitting in the back, and that I would have to explain to my children why some bad man busted out the car window to take daddy's wallet. But, I realized something today. I am no better than than man. I steal from God all the time! My time, my possessions, my money. I mean really. If we ALL did our part in truly giving back to God world hunger would cease to exist! Now don't get me wrong I am not a Socialist. I am just saying it is our responsibility to take care of the orphans and widows. To help those who cannot help themselves. Let me put it this way. We are having a yard sale Thursday, and there is SO MUCH junk we don't need. We store and hoard useless stuff, and don't give a second thought about it, meanwhile there are children digging through trash dumps just to find something useful for their hut. If I ever become wealthy, I want to become wealthy with an open hand and not a closed fist. The reward is is not in what you get, but what you give. By not giving you are not only robbing God, but robbing yourself of the incredible blessings of your generosity. So, who is worse? The thief who stole $18 or me? The answer is me.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Show and Tell

Saw a video posted on youtube of a student who filmed our "Show and Tell" sketch at the Dare2Share conference. I figured I would share it with you to give you a taste of what we do.  If you would like to see some of our other ministry videos you can go to our youtube site at If you like us hit the little subscribe button. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The tour bus

I love traveling along with its many adventures. We had my parents over for dinner last night and we got to talking about my moms lack of direction and getting lost driving. I got to thinking of all the miles I have traveled with our tour bus with Clear Vision. Many long hours,many twists and turns. But we always made our destination, even when we broke down on the side of the road. From tire blow out to engine failure, from fuel leaks, to losing the trailer entirely. We criticize those times and we forever remember those nights, but what about the thousands upon thousands of good miles? Traveling nonstop from Connecticut to Denver, or Virginia to Texas. The bunks for all of the team to sleep in while traveling  so that they may be refreshed for the next event. The space that we have so everyone is not sardined next to each other for hours on end. The privilege to have my family travel with me. Yes, the bus is a cash cow but it has been a huge blessing over the years jam packed with a lot of fond memories. We look forward Judah (that is the buses name) to the adventures we will be on this Summer!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Are you smarter than Forrest Gump?

There are a lot of lessons to be learned in the movie "Forrest Gump." But there is one particular lesson that I want to focus in on today. Forrest acknowledged that he was not a smart man. He knew he was different. But, his passion and love for Jenny did not stop him from anything.  When the school bullies was chasing him down as a little kid...he heres the yell from Jenny to, "RUN FORREST RUN!!" When Forrest thought he was running away from the bullies he was actually running towards opportunities. That running landed him a spot on the h.s and college football team. Forrest was easily persuaded...that landed him in vietnam, where he became a war hero and got to meet the president. He got shot in the butt ox, while in recovery he took up ping pong and mastered the game. After the army he took Bubba up on his promise of becoming a shrimp boat captain and the list goes on and on. Here is my point. Many of you have stopped running. You stopped running towards your dreams. You have settled from status quo. You let the bully of life defeat you. So, many people miss out on all of the awesome opportunities of life,simply because they stopped running. Imagine if you started to run again. Now you may be a little slow at first,especially with all of those extra pounds you have put on through the years. You lace up your sneakers open the door of opportunity and started running. Your motivation just like Forrest's The love of your family and the love for your fellow man. Forrest was the most unselfish human being. He never thought about himself of what he would get out of it. He risked his life for his fellow soldiers,kept his promises, protected Jenny numerous times,and sat by her side through all of her mistakes. Most of the population would laugh and scoff at a guy like Forrest, but I admire him. He is exactly what I want to be when I grow up!  I  am thankful that the good Lord has given me two awesome opportunities to help people. One is my ministry of almost 12 years called Clear Vision Drama Company. ( I love all the email we get of students sharing their story of how our ministry impacted them. The other is my business called Team National. We are helping people save money as well as earning a VERY significant extra stream of income.  There are people out here praying for extra income so they won't lose their house, they are just barely getting by. This company is changing people lives! Including my own! So Forrest, you have inspired me to run and not stop until I take my final breath. Why? Love.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cooked in the Squat-Zig Ziglar

Evaluation time friends. Watch this video to see if this is you. If so take the necessary steps to change. Pray like it is all up to God, and work like it is all up to you, and you will not lose!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

For Every Giant there is a rock!

Through our dare2share tour we learned a lot about the life of David. Especially his encounter with a nine foot six freak of nature named Goliath. None of the Israelites wanted to fight this guy. Goliath would come out and do his daily taunt, but the Israelites would just cower. It wasn't until a small teen age boy who was bringing his brothers some food decided to take Goliath up on his challenge. He was criticized by his brothers, but what could they say really. If there was anyone who should have been criticized it was the Israelite army and David's brothers. But no matter, David did not listen to the criticism. He was too small to wear the armor, but as we will find he did not need the armor. He had a sling shot and five stones and most of all the Lord on his side. We all know the story the taunting giant fell when he was ROCKED between the eyes! Ladies and gentlemen for every giant in your life there is a rock! You must be willing to confront your giants and not cower like the Israelites did. Even though David was a boy he had the heart of a king. He stepped up,stepped out, and conquered. Take the first step and step up. Voice your solution and then step out and take your stand and pursue, even if everyone else his standing on the sidelines watching. Because the results of your action will not only conquer your giants but motivate others to conquer theirs! Remember for every giant, there is a rock, but the rock does not move unless you do.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Do you own a business or does your business own you?

Many people think that because you are a business owner that you have it made. They have the highest pay scale. they can come and go as they please. they have the final say so. But, a lot of times that is not always the case nor is it the view of the business owners. The business owners usually put in the most hours of everybody, their pay scale is good but not great, and they are not really getting a head in the business due to the major loan they took out just to get the business. Many years is spent just trying to pay that loan off. Plus, they are constantly training new staff, or sometimes baby sitting as they say. Maybe you are not a business owner but you have a ...j...j...job. Not to fond of that word. You are working for someone else,probably this is not a job that you are passionate about but you got to make a living somehow. So ask yourself. Is this it? Is this what I signed up for? Is this my lot in life? Is this how my life plays out. Working 40 years over 40 hours a week, then hoping to retire on 40% of my income. Well that is you and about 90% of America. Ladies and Gentlemen it does not have to be that way. There is a way that you can pursue your dreams and your God given passions! I have found that with Team National! And if you are business minded at all then you can rest assure that one of the greatest author/speakers of our time on leadership in ministry and in business gives is full endorsement of Team National. I have only been a part of the company for over a year and it is changing my wife and I's financial future. I have been in the ministry for over 18 years and we all know lol that ministers generally do not have the best pay scale unless you are a pastor of a mega church or those great book deals. Anyways I invite you to connect with me and I will be happy to show you a 23 minute video that explains the whole concept of the awesome company called Team National! In the mean time check out this testimony of Bob and Mary Dubois.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Un is Done!

7 cities and tens of thousands of teens later...Un is done! It was called the un tour. The simplicity of the gospel. The challenge to be unrivaled in the faith. The challenge to be unwavering, even willing to be uncool to share the gospel with their friends. We saw hundreds come to Christ at the event, and thousands and I mean thousands reached out to their friends during the event. The students were challenged to write in sharpie the names of 3 friends on their hands that they are going to pray for and share Christ with. Then at the conference they had the opportunity to share the gospel with them, or set a time in the coming week to talk and share. The fruit of that I believe is countless. Students truly were un'd! As Clear Vision our role was to provide the drama for the sessions as well as a two part drama that ended each night.  Dare2share is a quality organization from top to bottom and if you have the opportunity to go next year, then I highly encourage you to find out which city is nearest you and register for next year! The theme next year is "Game Day!" Below I posted a link where propaganda through spoken word, explains the gospel in all of its essence. Just click on the the link and then click on preview to watch.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Wind!

Well here I am in Chicago. Also known as the windy city. Which reminded me  of a video I shot a couple of years ago, about the house that was built on the Rock, and the house that was built on the sand. The winds and the rains came down and totally destroyed the house that was built on the sand. But, the house that was built on the rock stood strong and firm. It was not that the house was any better built than the house that was built on the sand. It stood because of the foundation that it was built upon. We have all had our share of storms in our life. How we weather or react to the storm depends on your foundation. Ladies and Gentlemen I built my house on the rock when I was 16 years old. It was then where Jesus became my Rock! He became my foundation! He became my life! There has been many storms in my life since then, but it is because of Jesus that I am still standing strong. My question to you is what is your house built on? Because you never know when that next storm of life is gonna come blowing through. I am reminded of the tsunami that bombarded Japan and just devastated the whole area. The earthquake that just shook and destroyed foundations. It is not a matter of if the storm is going to come, but when the storm will come. Maybe it is time that you move your real estate.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


HAHAHA! HILARIOUS! No need to write a blog today. This video speaks for itself! ENJOY!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If your are not open YOU just might MISS it!

If you are not open you just might miss it, as you will see in this video. Buddy almost missed the greatest opportunity to get him out of his 60-70 hour a week job that consumed him. I am not going to go into too much detail today because the video speaks for itself, but I am thankful that this opportunity came to my family a year ago. Ladies and gentleman sometimes we miss out on God's blessings because we are set in our ways and not open to the very opportunity God may have tried to place in your lap. Many pray to God asking for His provision and help. God help us save our home. God help me find a job. God help me to have more time to spend with my kids. And for many of you he has given you that answer,but you are just not open to see it. Don't feel bad, I almost missed it too. Thinking it was one things,finding out it was not at all what I expected it to be! This company has allowed me to be a good steward of my money, and is earning my family an income in which my ministry could not provide. Anyways I just challenge you to swallow your pride and take a look at a 23 minute video that explains the savings and the earnings. It cost you nothing to look,but it could cost you everything if you don't. Email me or call me and I will be glad to set a time to show you.   417-860-9015

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Zombie life

Oh the world of Zombies. I think these days there is a zombie movie for anything these days. From the movies to musicals. Not sure what is so fascinating about them. They are just slow minded slow walking creatures that always seem to catch up with you, and they come from everywhere. You try to lock the doors but they break through the windows, and they keep closing in until you fall latest victim. But you know I see this same zombie scenerio played out in everyday life. I so so many people slowly limping through the drudgery of life. They are in such a stagnant depressing state of life. No one started out that way,but they slowly got sucked in  without even realizing it. Maybe it is their job that made them that way. Maybe just the daily routine of taking care of your household. You may say that is not me, I am a very busy person. You can be busy and still walking around i zombie mode. You say Paul, what are you getting at? Ladies and gentleman. The max that anyone will live on this earth is 100 years, and we all no that the majority of us will never make it that far, let alone 70 or 80. SO QUIT WALKING AROUND LIKE SOME KIND OF ZOMBIE AND LIVE LIFE! DON'T BE AFRAID TO TAKE RISKS! DONT BE AFRAID TO PURSUE AFTER YOUR DREAMS! Because one day you will be wondering where did the time go? You will be looking back at all the what if's instead all the goals that you set and achieved. Jesus said I have come to give you life and life to the FULL! Abundant life! We serve a God who wants you to experience the fullness of life! If God is for us who can be against us! So come on people! WAKE UP from your zombie life slumber and go live your dreams!! You say your job has you trapped and prohibits me? Well talk to me soon, because I have your answer that is giving so many people time freedom and financial freedom! And if I were to put author and speaker John Maxwell standing right in front of you. (if you don't know who he is google search him) He would say you are crazy for not taking advantage of this opportunity!! I have a 23 minute video that will explain just how you can have that time freedom and financial freedom you have been looking for. It will allow you to hope again! To dream again,  and to wake up from your zombie like slumber! This video below is a fun video I shot last year. Oh and yes! It has Zombies in it!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monkey see Monkey do!

I woke up a little late today. Probably due to a busy weekend at the Dare2Share Conf. At any rate my morning routing was bumped a little later. When I started to do my INSANITY work out my little 4 year old boy came to join me. He started working out right along side me do all the Insanity exercises with me. A couple minuted into the work out I got hot and took my shirt off. Then I looked over and Toby had taken his shirt off too. There was a break inbetween the exercises so I took a big gulp of water, and next thing you know he runs upstairs and brings down his orange juice from breakfast and gulps it down. Dads your kids look up to you and they are watching you, because they want to be like you. You have a the great honor and privilege to shape and mold these kids into adulthood,and the best way that you can do that is not just by telling them but by showing them. Leading by example. There is a video that I made last year that paints that picture perfectly. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I heard a really good quote the other day and I don't know who it was from but it said, "Excuses are a well planned out lie." And you know there is a lot of merit in that. People make excuses everyday. I have seen it both in my ministry and my business. We have had people back out on serving God on an overseas mission trip, and the number one excuse is I don't have the money. But, it is an excuse. If God wants you to go you WILL have the money. Many thought though it would just fall from the sky, little did they know they needed to put their feet into action and go and raise their support from people who believed in their cause.  I see it all the time with my Team National business. Oh I don't have the money for the membership or I don't have the time to go and work the business. When if you were to get completely honest that is not the truth, it is just an excuse. It is not that they don't have the time or the money it's that they don't have the belief. Belief in themselves that they can do it or belief in the company that it cannot provide true savings. I lean on the former not the latter, because my wife and I have saved around a $1000 in our first year with the membership savings and did not change our spending habits to do so. Lets deal with excuse number 1. I don't have the money. Many people through out the year spend money on wants and not needs. They will go out and by a flat screen tv, or an iphone, or new computer, or vehicle. Or they will go out every day and spend $4 on coffee, or a movie or eat out which quickly adds up. If the person really believed in something they would find the money by cutting their cost to get it,borrowing from a family member, or my good ness have a garage sale until they had enough to get what they want. Even the poorest college student has mustered up enough money to come into Team National. How did they do it? Belief! so, I know the average household can do the same. 2. I don't have the time? I hear that one a lot. The person will give me this laundry list of things that have to do each day. I think to myself. You know we all have the same 24 hours, and everybody is busy. that is nothing new. But, if that persons belief was there they would find a couple hours each day or each week to build this business. All I know is that I can make a minimum of $1500 a week with this business! My belief is there! I know it works! I am cashing the comma checks!  The company is doing its part and all we have to do is our part and we will make a six and seven figure income with this business.! BELIEF!...BELIEF!! Turn your excuses into reasons! You say I am nervous and scared. GREAT! Do it nervous and scared! JUST DO IT and you will make a 6 and 7 figure income! I don't have the time. How about instead of the  next time you are watching tv or on the computer you are showing someone a 23 minute video that explains the savings and earnings of Team National. How about the window time when you are in your car driving from point A to point B calling someone and setting appointments to show the video. Everyone wants the time freedom and the financial freedom, but very few will take the necessary steps to achieve it. Instead they make an excuse of why the couldn't and miss out on a HUGE blessing that they could give to their family! Kids being able to see mom and dad more because they no longer have to put 60 or 70 hours a week in their job. The financial options to get out of debt,and have options to travel and see the world with their family.  I decided a long time ago that excuses get me no where. If it is to be it is up to me! Whatever I do in life and I don't achieve it! It is nobody's fault but mine!  Whatever excuses you are making. Whether it is losing weight, goals you have set, whatever it may be. Get rid of the blame and the excuses and work on you and your belief, and go out there and change peoples lives! Starting with your own!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Morning Glory!

Just finished my Insanity workout at the Peartree Inn Hotel in a little open meeting room. Now I am in the lobby feasting on Continental breakfast with a bunch of teens attending the Dare2share Conference.  My heart is pumping for two reasons. Number one I am still panting from my workout, and two for what God is going to do in the life of these teenagers! Last night went awesome and there were many who came to Christ for the very first time. Also, last night students wrote in sharpie the names of 3 friends of whom they are going to share Christ with. Talk about multiplication evangelism! If we don't share the Hope of glory who will. Because for many they miss Hell by a Narrow Escape! Check out this video and you will see why!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Make Believe

I have been ministering to teen-agers now for 18 years. Through those years we have seen thousands of teen-agers turn their life over to God leaving their sins and struggles nailed to the cross and beginning their new and adventurous journey with Christ. But, before they came to that place many had to unleash a lot of hurt and heart ache. Parents divorced,abuse physically and emotional,drug or alcohol addiction,rape,pre-marital sex,cutting, binging, you name it we have probably heard it. As I heard their stories I wept with many of them,not giving them advise but just being a listening ear,and outlet for them to unload all that hurt they have bottled inside. Once they come to the understanding of God's love for them...his demonstration of that by being nailed to a cross as a substitute for us and our sins,they begin to surrender to him not because it is their duty to but it is their delight. When you know someone loves you that much, things change in your lif. Does that mean you stop sinning? No, we fail all the time. But, each day is a daily desire to be more like Him who knew no sin. To truly love the Lord with all your hear,mind,and soul, and to truly love your neighbor as yourself. Why do I share all of this. Tonight we are about to be literally surrounded by 10,000 teen-agers, many of which have gone through or are going through the things I listed above. Please pray that the Lord would reveal His love and peace to them so that they will not have to live in a world of Make Believe, but into a relationship of abundant LIFE! Below is a video I shot awhile back and if this does not break your heart for teen-agers nothing will.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

SURREAL (seeing video footage of my dad for 1st time)

My Father past away in a work related accident when I was 3 years old. He worked at a Phillips 66 plant when one day something went terribly wrong! There was a huge explosion. My dad suffered sever 2nd and 3rd degree burns on 98% of his body. He lived for a couple of weeks but could not overcome the severity of his injuries. I never really knew my dad. Just small mental images, or pictures, or stories my mom and relatives would share. About a year ago my uncle,my dad's oldest brother was going through some old film footage and was able to take them to a place to get transferred onto DVD. He handed me a dvd one day and said I found some old footage of your father and I would like you to have it. I was very honored. When I got home and place the DVD in my computer. I was very nervous yet anxious to see my dad. I pressed play and began to weep when the video of my mom and dad were celebrating their marriage at a reception at my grandpa and grandma May's home. Although there was no sound I could hear the noise and the laughter. I watched my dad's mannerisms and said to myself, that looks likes me. After the video was over I was grateful for those moments. I began to reflect on many sweet sweet memories of life with family,and friends. I began to think of my role as a Father to my kids. My hearts desire is to be the best dad I can be to my kids,but I am going to save that blog and video for tomorrow. In the mean time do me the honor of meeting my dad in this small clip of many.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tackling the "What If's?"

What if you had a death in your family? What if you lost your job? What if you suffered a career ending injury? What if something happened to you? How would your family be provided for? Those are things we never want to think about. But it is a reality of life. The question is how do we prepare for those days,because it is not a matter of if it is going to come but when it is going to come. What is your plan B if you lost your job? Do you have enough in savings to get by until you try to find another job when unemployment right now is more than 9%? Will you just buy your time and draw unemployment until opportunity arises? What if you were injured or even worse died? How will your family be taken care of? Lastly,what if you are reaching your retirement years and all of a sudden your job was terminated, or your retirement is not enough to sustain your family and you wind up having to take another job to provide. Seriously do you think the elderly prefer to work at Wal-Mart in their retirement years? They do not have a choice.  Wow! Those are all gloomy scenarios but they are real ones and ones we need to plan for. Ladies and Gentleman I write about this because I have your plan B that can one day be your plan A!! Passive Residual income that will continue to provide for you and your family if something were to happen to you due to loss of job,injury or death. Plan B will accomplish two things in your life. It will save you thousands and thousands of dollars through the years in savings for your family, and make you hundreds of thousands if not millions in your life time. Yes! I am being for real! If you have a better plan B you tell me what that is and I will look into it. But, I can honestly say that that plan B is working for me and my family! I am and have been in the ministry since my Freshman year of college and pay check to paycheck, incurred by debt is the way my wife and I have always had to live. Soon our plan B of drawing income will be swapped, as we are seeing by the comma checks coming to our mail box. Team National will soon be our plan A! Don't be so prideful telling yourself, "It will never happen to me." or "I have it all under control." i am telling you friends if that is you. you are living in a fantasy land called pride. Call me or send me a message and I can get you more information on your new plan for your family.
Paul May

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


If you have not yet discovered "the Daily Audio" bible on their website or itunes yet, then I highly recommend it. There is even an app for that. The daily audio bible is the first thing I listen to and meditate on every morning. Every morning there is a chapter from the old testament,new testament and psalms, read and a passage from Proverbs. Music is played softly underneath just giving it a quiet meditative feel. After Brian the host is finished reading he usually gives some insight to a particular passage read,followed by prayer,and lastly there is always a couple of people who have called in that has asked us to pray for a specific prayer request. If you stay consistent with it you will have went through the bible in a year. Then do the same thing the next year and learn and grow more in the relationship and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. You can start anytime. You don't have to wait until January 1. Try it let me know how you like and what you are learning. God bless you on your journey in the

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rich dad Poor dad

Last year I went through a book called "Rich Dad poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki and he explained his story of two different fathers with two different sets of advice and values. His poor dad always said go to school get good grades,get a high paying job,work hard, live below your means, and have a good retirement plan. Rich dad said you can probably go that route as most people do put you probably will never get to be where you want to be. Check out this video link below and see which category you are in and what you can do to change that for the better. I thank God everyday for the opportunity that was given to me to generate passive residual income now and for the rest of my life. You can have that same opportunity. that is if you want it. Many people wind up doing the 40,40,40 plan intentional or unintentional. They work for 40 years, working over 40 hours a week,and hopes to retire on 40% of their income. I don't know about you,but that is not how I want to spend my golden years. Not to mention all those years letting your J.O.B. consume your life,missing out on precious times with your family.  You have heard the motto if it is to be it is up to me. Well it is. It is up to you to change that. Here is another way to look at it. You only have 30 maybe 40 years of life left anyway. Don't be afraid to think outside the box. The best part of my residual income business is that there is absolutely NO RISK! The worst thing you are going to do is save money and that is a great thing! So be uncommon and message me for more information. I am loving life and loving my time freedom with my kids. If you find something you love you will never have to work a day in your life!!

Paul May

Sunday, March 20, 2011


 My wife and I were introduced to Team National a year ago by some friends of our who just simply shared a video with us. The video explained the savings concept and earnings concept of Team National. I saw on the video places my wife and I already shop at and we saw that we could get a better deal through the membership of this company. But, I got excited about the earnings. It allows me at my own pace my own time when I want where I want to simply share this concept with others by playing the same video I saw. If they see value with this membership in their lives then they simply join our team and we work together sharing this concept with others. That's it! Share a video and help answer any questions that your person may have. So far with our changing our spending habits to do so just nickel and diming the savings we have saved almost a thousand dollars,but through the simple referral system we are making thousands!! We also love the fact the popular author/speaker John Maxwell who has written countless books on leadership gives a 2 minute public endorsement of the company on our video. There is absolutely no risk in this business. The worst thing you are gonna do is save money. It truly has been an act of good stewardship to have this membership,because it is literally costing a person money to not be a member. Also, you do not have to buy or push products and your membership fee is a one time fee and then that membership is your for life,as well as your kids and your grandkids when they are old enough to use it! So, for me in the course of a hundred years I will saving my family thousands upon thousands of dollars with the savings, and making my family a six or seven figure income with the earnings. Worth taking a look at ladies and gentlemen. If you are interested in taking a look at the 24 minute dvd message me,call me or text me and we shall set a time to view it. Either in person or through the web. Thank you and have a blessed day.

Paul May

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Too Quiet!

It is a strange feeling waking up and not hearing the pitter patter of little feet running in the house, or little voices coming in asking for breakfast. It is just too quiet! Christy and I are celebrating our 16 year anniversary this weekend so the boys are at G-ma and G-pa Fosters this weekend. Might catch a movie matinee today. Anyone know if "I am number 4" is a good movie? Anyways not much to say today. We are just gonna have a nice peaceful day. So until tomorrow America!

Friday, March 18, 2011


16 years ago I said I do to my beautiful bride. It has been quit a journey in these last 16 years. We were married during Spring break of our Junior year. There are pros and cons to everything. A pro was that school as a married couple was less that an individual. We both had jobs to cover  expenses for housing,insurance, etc. We both worked in food services together at the snack bar, where we were able to eat for free. The cons is we saw each other a lot in passing. From working 3 jobs, school, and my college drama ministry. Needless to say we did not get the much needed quality time that a newlywed needs. But we got through it,and then god sent us to Texas to Seminary to get my Masters degree. 3 more years of school!! We learned our lesson from our first year, so Thursday night was sacred. Thursday night was our date night! Those years were incredible growing years as a couple.I believe those years were vital in preparing for our future. She worked to put me through school,and I was also a youth pastor while there in Texas as well,and we have a lot of cherished friends to this day from there.Then in 1999 our journey took us back to Missouri to launch our drama ministry that we had been preparing for. Clear Vision Drama Company. My wife and I would substitute teach in public schools to draw income as we grew our ministry. By our 3 year we did not need to sub anymore because of our many opportunities with CV.

We were married 7 years before our first precious gift arrived. They educed labor which took 4 days of delivery. Guess he was not ready for the world The reason we induced is that CV had an event that next weekend in GA. So I wanted to be here for the birth of my son. So the eve of me having to leave Nathaniel Benjamin May arrived. 4 years later Toby Zachariah May. I know parents are proud parents,but those are the best 2 little boys in the world, and I love them with all of my heart!

But this blog is really to honor my wife. She has been through thick and thin with me. The highs and lows of ministry. Before Nathaniel was born,my wife traveled to every event. Even learned a new trade as lighting director for CV. Programming and running our intelligent lights during our show. The list is numerous of all the incredible things that I can say about Christy. She is beautiful from the inside and out. She always seeks to do what is best. She is a woman of integrity. She is a phenomenal mother who loves her little boys. She has the gift of hospitality. Through the years we have housed many CV members. She is old fashioned like me and still believes in common courtesy. She is the keeper of all things admin both ministry and home. She is an incredible cook! And if you ever have been to one of my sons B-day party you know she goes out of her way to give the best B-day that she can give to her children. A themed party with a themed cake that she makes from scratch. Needless to say it is always an adventure. But that is why I love her,because of all the sacrifices she has made through the years from an absentee husband on the road,playing the role of single mom many a nights. To the care taking of our extra CV guests living with us. To keeping our ministry and family finances in order. Living well below her means. Christy if you are reading this. The things that you have done over the years have not gone unnoticed. I truly love you more today then I did 16 years ago! You are still beautiful inside and out, and I look forward to another 16 years of an incredible journey with you! And my commitment to you with the the things that God has placed in our life is to be able to provide for you and give you all the things that you deserve! I know being in ministry we have never had the resources to truly go somewhere special and celebrate each years milestone, but my goal is to change all that in these upcoming months and years. You and my kids are my "WHY". My family is what motivates me to continue and press on. So just like you have with our last 16 years. I ask that you continue to lock arms with me and journey together with me to all the adventures we will have with our next 16 years! I love you and happy Anniversary!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


You may be wondering what is the world is Paul talking about when he says he is doing his INSANITY workout. You may have thought to yourself,well Paul does not need a workout to be INSANE! He is already there! Well I would agree with you that I am mentally insane. Now it is time to be physically insane! Insanity is an intense 60 day workout brought to you by Beach Body. This is actually my second time through this program. I enjoy it,because it keeps me motivated and encouraged. A workout coach in my home helping me to push through and get better. Check out the link below and see if INSANITY is right for you! What kind of workouts do you do?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

When time stands still

Just completed morning 2 of my routine! Feeling good! Looking forward today to meeting possible future business partners! I just want to reflect for a moment and share my day yesterday. I had an incredible time with my two boys yesterday after dinner. It was finally nice and sunny outside in good ol MO. So we went outside and grabbed the wiffle ball and bat and it was one of those moments if time could stand still I could live in that moment forever. There is nothing like seeing your boys laugh and play ball with their daddy. As a father the special moments you have teaching your kids how to play the game, and seeing them get a big hit and running make believe bases while daddy tries to chase them with the ball. So what if they run all the way out in the outfield. As competitive as I am it is ok if your 4 year old catches you and tags you out. We even got mommy in on the action. all in all it was one of those great family experiences that many take for granted. What are some special things that you do with your family?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 1 Mission Accomplished!!

I did it!! Woke up 5:30am listened to my daily audio bible which is a chapter in the old testament,a chapter in the New Testament, a chapter in psalms, and a chapter in Proverbs. I did day 1 of my INSANITY workout,which is 50 minutes in length. I listened to training in regards to my business. It feels good! But, I am not patting myself on the back,because I know that many people start out strong,but very few finish strong. This is going to take an extreme amount of discipline. Now if I miss a day does that mean it can't be done and that I should just quit. By no means! That is silly! That is like saying...oh great! I missed lunch! Well there is no sense in eating lunch again since I can't commit to it! My new morning discipline is all about feeding. Spiritual food with the Word of God, Physical food with exercising,and mental food in training,and growing in knowledge,wisdom,and leadership. I also have my goals and to do list of today,which is where I put all these disciplines into action. So, let the day begin! What is you're goal and mission of today?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tomorrow it begins!

Tomorrow it begins! I am nervous,excited,and dreading it all at the same time! What am I talking about? Well if I told you then I would have to be accountable to it!  So I am very hesitant to do so. But, on the other hand I need this accountability in my life. I just putting some new disciplines in my life and ok here it goes...It all starts at 5am! Yes! You heard me!! I am getting up at 5am...will begin the morning listening to my daily audio bible, then I am working out physically,then I will read a good book or listen to a podcast. Then I will go over my goals for today. Then I will start on my first project: whether it be building my Team National business or writing a new sketch for CV, or working on our movie project,or honey do lists. So...there I said it. Will I accomplish it everyday? Prolly not! But , I will press on until it is a regular discipline in my life.  What does your routine consist of?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Snowy Minnesota

No matter where we go we just can't seem to escape the cold weather and snow! We are currently in Twin cities MN,and although the weather is yucky and cold,the dare2share conference is hot and rockin! We wrapped up day one of dare2share and will begin again bright and early tomorrow.  Just like the weather has been fickle,life can be the same way,as well as desires and passions. What once was your desire and passion can change over time. It doesn't mean what were passionate about isn't important anymore. It is just that it needs to be redefined and evaluated. It could be God moving you away from you poured your heart and soul into to be placed by someone fresh and full,because you are so empty and drained.  Not sure just yet what the future holds for me and Clear Vision? I have a lot of mixed feelings. One day I say I can do this a few more years, and other days I am ready to throw in the towel. Every time I travel it gets harder and harder to leave my family.  It was different when Nathaniel was not in school and they were on the road with me everywhere I went. Now we do not have that luxury. Don't get me wrong I still ambitions,but I just think I am getting closer and closer to a crossroad...and I am at a place right now where I see various options and I am just standing there looking,waiting,not feeling any of kind of push from the Lord saying this is what you are supposed to do next! I know one thing is for sure that my family is my first ministry,and I need to take the time that God has given me to build the business that he placed in our lap last year. It has truly been a Godsend and I firmly believe He is going to use that to overcome the debt the ministry has brought to my family through these many tough years on the road. Don't get me wrong. I will not trade those hardships for anything. I have learned a lot and am learning a lot from them. Long story short I am very much at a TBA moment...and when ever I get the push from the Lord it will be announced.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Well here I am in Minnesota gearing up for our 5th Dare2Share event. For those who are not familiar you can check out this awesome ministry at  These teen conferences are all about training teens in sharing their faith with their friends. The conference each range 4000-6000 teens. It is a very electric atmosphere! It was because of these conferences that Clear Vision Drama Company is still alive. Two Novembers ago I was very close to putting the padlock on the door of Clear Vision thinking God was going to close the door on our ministry. Then one day the phone rings and it was Director and founder Greg Stier of Dare2Share. We had met several years ago at a Youth Conference in Illinois. When Greg found about our ministry he was very intrigued,because they use drama heavily within the conference. Long story short,the timing was just not right in the partnership. So, honestly I was not expecting a call several years later reopening the possibility of being the drama team for Dare2Share. I met with Greg and his staff a few times,even wrote a sketch with them,to see if we could brainstorm well together. Well I guess we did,because here we are. This years conferences are almost in the books and it won't be long until we are praying,and writing for next years! I am very thankful for that phone call,because I was actually content with closing that chapter of 10 years being on the road. We have seen over 30,000 people come to Christ,countless testimonies of teens being impacted by our dramas,the places traveled,new relationships formed, and just experiencing God everywhere we went. But, apparently God is not through with us yet. There are still many more adventures on the horizon...and those are yet to be seen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What me blogging!!

I never have been one to journal or write down my thoughts, so blogging is a very weird concept for me. But, my wife asks me all the time what is going through that mind of yours? One word...Mayhem! I have always been know as a risk taker, a try anything once,experience anything once type of guy. My mind races a mile a minute with witty sarcasm or a creative thought.  I have lately been indulging myself in books, and a lot of things have been hitting me like a ton of bricks. I have this one life and how much of it to I waste on idle time? Am I achieving the goals and dream I have,or better yet have I really sat down and asked myself what truly are your goals and dreams?  I have found that I need to instill some new disciplines in my life and maybe in return challenge my readers to go through this journey together of complete total Mayhem!  Lol! I went and read the definition of mayhem and it was quit disturbing!Mayhem:A state of violent disorder or riotous confusion. That was def. 3 the mildest of the 3. Well life is that way. It can be violent and riddled with confusion. Hence the purpose of my blog is to fight through the mayhem of life together. My personality is more like MAYHAM than MAYHEM. I look for the humor in life. I like to laugh and make people laugh! It is a medicine to numb the pains of life. Sometimes it works sometimes it is only a temporary fix. I guess we shall see where this takes us in later blogs.